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Lovely everlasting Mother’s Day flowers

This year I got to celebrate my 18th Mother’s Day and remember the journey of motherhood to this day. Even as a pretty young girl, I probably hoped to become a mother one day. I remember always dreaming of one day having a family of my own and several children, but as time went on the number of children I hoped for became more specific, to a maximum of three, and that’s how it turned out.

I always hoped to have a girl too, but the world has given me three wonderful boys. Even though a girl was always in the hopes when I became a mother for the second and third time, in the end, having a baby boy has always felt like it was meant to be and it’s for the best. Somehow I think I’m so used to having boy babies that it’s hard to imagine being a mother to a girl anymore. When I was young, I remember sometimes finding little girls annoying and thinking that I would rather have boy children myself. 😀

I have always felt that motherhood is a gift and in a way a mission and purpose in life. Whenever I get stuck on a bad day wondering what the purpose of this wonderful life is, it’s the children that get my mind back on track – they are my purpose. Without me there would be no them, and without my children there would be no life as we know it and no everyday life with them. The best thing is to experience life and solve everyday challenges together with my children, and to see them grow and develop into themselves, and to be proud of them. The icing on the cake is that we still share this with my husband, together.

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